
Какому уровню соответствует Intermediate

The Intermediate level of English, also known as B1 on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), refers to a competent level of language proficiency that enables individuals to hold conversations and discuss various topics, whether personal or professional. In this article, we will explore what constitutes the Intermediate level, how to identify it accurately, and what you need to do to reach that level.

  1. What is Intermediate English
  2. How to Indicate Intermediate Level in a Resume
  3. The Difference between B1 and B2 English
  4. What is B2 in English
  5. How to Identify Your Intermediate Level of English
  6. How to Achieve Intermediate Level in English

What is Intermediate English

Intermediate English is a vital milestone on the path to mastering the language. At this level, individuals can understand and use everyday expressions, express opinions, and talk about past, present, and future events. People at the Intermediate level can also interact with native speakers in a social or professional setting, initiate conversations, and maintain them. In summary, Intermediate speakers can communicate effectively regarding general topics without much strain or difficulty.

How to Indicate Intermediate Level in a Resume

Knowing how to represent your level of English in a resume is crucial, especially when applying for jobs that may require English proficiency. Intermediate goes by several names, including B1, Low-Intermediate, and mid-level, depending on the standard followed. However, when indicating your level of English on your resume, only one word is enough — intermediate. Other levels to consider include advanced (B2), proficient (C1), and fluent (C2).

The Difference between B1 and B2 English

B1, also known as the Threshold level, represents the Intermediate level. On this level, individuals can understand the main points of straightforward material concerning familiar topics regularly encountered in work, school, leisure, etc. On the other hand, B2, or the Upper-Intermediate level, assumes a more advanced level of language proficiency, understanding more complex texts and holding conversations about abstract and concrete topics.

What is B2 in English

The B2 level is often regarded as the gateway to advanced English proficiency. At this stage, individuals have a good command of the language and can understand the main ideas of complex text and express themselves clearly and fluently. B2 speakers can also engage in arguments, debates, discussions, explain benefits and drawbacks, and give opinions on different topics.

How to Identify Your Intermediate Level of English

Identifying your level of English can be challenging, especially for people who have learned English independently or without formal assessments. However, some guidelines can provide some level of certainty. To know if you are at the Intermediate level in English, you should be able to:

  • Understand general themes in everyday conversations.
  • Follow the main points of lectures and conversations about familiar topics.
  • Participate in small talk and simple interviews.
  • Produce clear and coherent sentences on familiar topics with proper grammar and vocabulary.

How to Achieve Intermediate Level in English

Achieving the Intermediate level of English takes effort and requires a combination of proper learning strategies and consistent practice. Here are some useful tips to help you reach Intermediate level in English:

  1. Build your vocabulary: Learn new words and phrases. Use flashcards and language learning apps to help you remember.
  2. Practice speaking: Engage in everyday conversations with people who speak English fluently. Join a language exchange program, engage in conversation clubs, or speak with a tutor.
  3. Listen to English: Listen to the news, podcasts, and audiobooks to get used to hearing English spoken fluently.
  4. Watch English-language movies or TV shows: This will improve your comprehension of conversations spoken at a natural pace.
  5. Read in English: Books, newspapers, and magazines written in English can improve your ability to understand complex texts.
  6. Take English language courses: This will provide you with structured learning, feedback, and motivation to keep practicing.

In conclusion, achieving Intermediate level in English signifies a critical milestone in language proficiency and demonstrates the ability to communicate effectively on a broad range of topics. This article has provided some guidelines on what constitutes Intermediate language proficiency, and how to achieve it effectively. By following these tips and consistently practicing, you can reach Intermediate level in English.
