
Облагаются ли иностранные дивиденды другим налогом

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  1. Are foreign dividends subject to other taxes
  2. What is the tax on dividends in the USA
  3. How to report on dividends from foreign companies
  4. What to do for dividends received before 2024
  5. What if the tax was already paid in another country
  6. Useful tips for investing in foreign stocks and bonds
  7. Conclusion

Are foreign dividends subject to other taxes

Key Takeaways. When Americans buy stocks or bonds from foreign-based companies, any investment income (interest, dividends) and capital gains are subject to U.S. income tax and taxes levied by the company's home country.

What is the tax on dividends in the USA

For greater clarity, it is advisable to give an example of calculating the tax on dividends for foreign stocks, such as American ones. The investor is a non-resident of the United States, so they pay a tax in the United States at a rate of 10%.

How to report on dividends from foreign companies

The rules for paying taxes on foreign dividends depend on the date of receipt. For dividends received in 2024 and later, investors do not need to report, as brokers will begin withholding and transferring taxes to the Federal Tax Service for their clients from that year on.

What to do for dividends received before 2024

For dividends received before 2024, investors must declare them and pay taxes on their own. The tax rate depends on the country of the company issuing the dividends and any tax treaties between that country and the United States. The investor should consult with a tax professional to determine the correct rate and how to report.

What if the tax was already paid in another country

If the investor already paid taxes on the foreign dividends in the company's home country, they may be eligible for a foreign tax credit on their U.S. tax return. This credit can offset the U.S. tax liability on the same income. Again, a tax professional can advise on eligibility and how to claim the credit.

Useful tips for investing in foreign stocks and bonds

  1. Research the tax laws of the company's home country to understand their tax rates and any applicable tax treaties.
  2. Consider investing in tax-advantaged accounts, such as a Roth IRA, to minimize taxes on investment income.
  3. Keep accurate records of all investment income and taxes paid to simplify reporting at tax time.
  4. Consult with a tax professional before investing in foreign stocks and bonds to understand the potential tax implications.


When investing in foreign stocks and bonds, it is important to understand the tax implications. Investors may be subject to both U.S. income tax and taxes imposed by the company's home country. However, recent changes in tax laws have made reporting and paying taxes on foreign dividends easier for investors. It is recommended that investors consult with a tax professional before investing in foreign securities to minimize their tax liability.
