
Сколько времени уйдет на полное прохождение Ведьмак 3

"The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt" is a game that was released in May 2015 and became one of the few games for which people took time off work just to play it. The game turned out to be so vast that it takes approximately 50 hours to complete just the main storyline, and a full completion can take up to 200 hours.

  1. How long does "The Witcher 3: Blood and Wine" take to complete
  2. What is the maximum level in "The Witcher 3"
  3. How many endings are there in "The Witcher 3"
  4. Tips for playing "The Witcher 3"

How long does "The Witcher 3: Blood and Wine" take to complete

If you focus on the main goals, the duration of "The Witcher 3: Blood and Wine" is approximately 15 hours. If you are a gamer who strives to see all aspects of the game, you will likely spend around 40.5 hours to complete it 100%.

What is the maximum level in "The Witcher 3"

You can ride Roach and carry out witcher routines for as long as you want — in "The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt," as it turns out, there is no limit in the form of a maximum level. Geralt can literally develop infinitely.

How many endings are there in "The Witcher 3"

For the main storyline "Wild Hunt," there are three endings. For the "Blood and Wine" expansion, there are two main endings and two secret ones, and for "Hearts of Stone," there are two endings.

Tips for playing "The Witcher 3"

To get the most out of your experience playing "The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt," follow these tips:

  1. Take your time and explore everything — the world is vast and full of hidden surprises.
  2. Talk to as many NPCs as possible — they often give you hints about quests or locations.
  3. Prioritize side quests — not only do they offer great rewards, but they also add depth to the storyline.
  4. Don't shy away from making hard decisions — they can greatly affect the outcome of the game.
  5. Utilize potions, oils, and magic during fights — they can make a significant difference in battles.
  6. Take advantage of the crafting system — it can help you create powerful weapons and armor.
  7. Use your Witcher Senses often — they help you discover hidden objects and paths.

In conclusion, "The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt" is a massive game with a vast world to explore, and it can take up to hundreds of hours to fully complete it. However, by following the tips mentioned above, you can make the most out of your experience and thoroughly enjoy the game.
